How many people do the main candidates reach via Facebook?
Belgian start-up SoPrism has developed a tool that identifies profiles as Facebook sees them. To do this, it uses the information in Facebook ads to calibrate an audience on the basis of multiple queries. For presidential candidates, it is possible to see who has an "interest in" a particular personality. It has carried out analyses for the 4 main presidential candidates. The breakdown of people with an interest is as follows:
To understand the following graphs, you need to understand that SoPrism compares the French population as a whole against the people with an interest in one of the candidates. It then sees which section of the population is most specific to each candidate.
I. Demographics
On Facebook, all the candidates succeeded in reaching the 18-24 age group, with the exception of Fillon, who has a particularly strong following among older people, and Mélenchon, who managed to capture the 13-17 age group. In terms of qualifications, Fillon's target group is university graduates, while Le Pen's target group is secondary school graduates.II. Mobility
Those for Macron are more keen on car-sharing than the French average. For Fillon and Mélenchon, it's the tram, while those for Le Pen favour the car. The most specific brands for each candidate in relation to the French population. For Le Pen, more people own a Renault than the average. For Fillon, it's Tesla, Mélenchon Subaru and Macron Volvo.III. Media
When it comes to favourite radio stations, it's almost a stereotype, since the radio station with the most specific audience for Le Pen is Rire et Chanson. A more classic profile for Fillon and Mélenchon, with France Info and France Inter. (For the record, France Inter is by far Mélenchon's favourite radio station, both in terms of volume and in terms of specificity in relation to the French population). For those interested in Macron, it's BFM Business Radio.
We continue with the classic, since the most specific newspaper for those interested in Fillon is La Croix, La Voix du Nord for Le Pen and Le Monde diplomatique for Macron. Finally, it was Direct Matin for Mélenchon. The magazine is a little more tortuous. Auto Plus for Le Pen, Fortune for Macron, Ici Paris for Fillon and Vanity Fair for Mélenchon.As far as the channels are concerned, since we are mainly analysing the specificity in relation to the French population, we have a very segmented picture. Ab1 for Le Pen, BFM for Macron, France 5 for Fillon, while the young people interested in Mélenchon are represented by MTV.
The favourite programme of those interested in Le Pen is Cauchemar En Cuisine. This popular side is reflected in those interested in Mélenchon, who are particularly fond of Danse Avec les Stars. For Macron, it's Le Petit Journal, while the age of those interested in Fillon is reflected in their choice of Des Racines et des ailes.
In terms of favourite series, Macron and Fillon match up with The Palma Show. Camping Paradis is the best choice for those who like Le Pen, while Supernaturel is the addictive Melenchon series.