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Understand your audiences, assess your reputation, identify your stakeholders and take the measure of specific issues.
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Ecosystems and territories of conquest
Search behaviour
Portraits of opinion leaders
Conversations and opinions
Potential and emerging crises
Sectoral dynamics of influence
Legislative impact analysis
Societal reputation of organisations
Identity construction and expression
Interactions with public authorities

Ecosystems and territories of conquest

Social media is an unparalleled source of information on how your stakeholders and target audiences follow each other, communicate, and organize into communities.

Since its inception, Saper Vedere has specialized and continuously innovated in understanding these ecosystems. Tell us which topics are important for your organization, which countries you wish to cover, and we will provide you with an overview of the relationships between different stakeholders, enabling you to better understand who is driving the debate and which angles are most relevant for generating engagement.

The ecosystem audit can be conducted on the following social media platforms:

  • X
  • LinkedIn
  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • BlueSky
  • Threads

It may include a mapping of connections between stakeholders, a list of the most influential accounts, and detailed profiles of the individuals behind these accounts.

Search behaviour

Our search behaviour analysis examines how your target audiences search for information online. We identify trends and search behaviours to optimise your content strategy and SEO.

The search behaviour analysis includes the following elements:

  • Keyword Analysis: Study of the keywords and search terms used by your audience.
  • Search Trends by Topic: Identification of frequently searched topics and questions for each of your key subjects.
  • Thematic Authority: Detailed analysis of your visibility in relevant searches.
  • Competitive Benchmarking: Comparison of your visibility with that of your organic competitors.

Portraits of opinion leaders

Once the most influential actors in a given theme or sector are identified, we can provide detailed analyses of their profiles. We identify their ideological and thematic affinities, examine their positions, and assess their influence on your field of activity.

Our influential profile ID cards include:

  • Detailed profile of the influencer and their thematic affinities
  • Impacted communities
  • Analysis of positions: Study of opinions and key messages conveyed
  • Level of authority: Sector influence, visibility, activity, affinity with your issues
  • Impact statistics

Conversations and opinions

Our unique method of conversation and opinion analysis allows you to capture and measure the impact of online discussions on topics relevant to your organisation. We identify emerging trends and opinions to provide you with actionable insights.

Conversation and opinion analysis includes:

  • Social media monitoring: Tracking discussions on social networks, blogs, and forums.
  • Sentiment analysis: Evaluating the sentiments expressed in conversations to identify positive and negative perceptions.
  • Trend identification: Detecting emerging themes and topics in discussions.
  • Influencer mapping: Identifying individuals and groups influential in relevant discussions.

Potential and emerging crises

Identify emerging crises that could impact your activities. We detect early warning signs of potential crises and analyse the factors that could trigger crises within your organisation or in your sector.

The identification of potential and emerging crises includes:

  • Risk identification: Detection of threats and potential vulnerabilities for your organisation.
  • Analysis of weak signals: Monitoring early indicators of emerging crises.
  • Identification of influential profiles: Key actors who could contribute to the visibility of an emerging crisis.

Sectoral dynamics of influence

Explore the forces at play and the actors shaping your industry. Our detailed analyses of the links and relationships of influence among stakeholders allow us to identify major trends, opinion leaders, and influence networks to help you navigate and position yourself effectively on your issues.

Sectoral Influence Dynamics Analysis Includes:

  • Mapping Key Actors: Identification of the principal actors and their influence within your industry.
  • Influence Network Analysis: Examination of the relationships and interactions among the most influential actors.
  • Sectoral Trends: Identification of emerging trends and significant changes within your sector.
  • Competitive Analysis: Comparison of your level of influence against key competitors.

Legislative impact analysis

Anticipate and understand the implications of regulatory and legislative changes on your organisation. Using our tool, we provide a detailed assessment of proposed laws, amendments under discussion, and political changes that could impact your sector.

The legislative impact analysis covers the following elements:

  • Legislative Monitoring: Continuous tracking of relevant bills and regulatory developments.
  • Impact Assessment: Evaluation of the potential effects of legislative changes on your operations and licence to operate.
  • Mapping Legislative Stakeholders: Identification of legislators and influential actors involved in decision-making processes that affect you.
  • Prospective Scenarios: Development of scenarios to anticipate various possible outcomes of legislative changes.

Societal reputation of organisations

Understand how your organisation is perceived by the public and key stakeholders. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of your societal reputation to uncover its strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement, taking into account current societal values and expectations.

The societal reputation audit includes the following elements:

  • Evaluation of Public Perception: Study of opinions and sentiments expressed by the public about your organisation across various platforms.
  • Media Coverage: Examination of mentions and media coverage, including press, social media, and online forums.
  • Stakeholder Opinions: Identification of influential stakeholders and their perception of your organisation and/or its issues.
  • Alignment with Societal Values: Understanding societal values and expectations and aligning them with your mission and activities.

Digital visibility

Digital visibility is crucial for any organisation aiming to strengthen its online presence and reach a broader audience. In this context, we aim to provide you with an in-depth understanding of your online presence. We analyse your actual and potential digital ecosystems to assess your impact on them, gain insights into your audiences, and evaluate your e-reputation. Through detailed analysis, we help you optimise your online presence and enhance your interaction with stakeholders.

Digital visibility analysis may include the following elements:

  • Online Visibility Audit: A comprehensive review of your website, social media, and other digital platforms to assess your current visibility.
  • Organic Search Analysis: Identification of search queries that lead to your digital communication channels.
  • Competitive Benchmarking: Comparison of your digital presence with that of your main competitors to identify best practices and areas for improvement.

Nos réalisations

power plant with tree. green industry eco power for sustainable energy saving environmental friendly low carbon footprint.

Strategic consultancy for industrial decarbonisation in France

Player in the energy sector
Interactions with public authorities
Ecosystems and territories of conquest
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Nice, France, on March 10, 2015. Passengers enter the bus going to the airport

Strategy to enter the French public sector market

Player in the transport sector
Ecosystems and territories of conquest
Interactions with public authorities
Territorial development
Thematic and sectoral intelligence
En savoir plus
scenic forest in the Vosges region in France on the way to Hoheneck mountain in the old forest

Strategic positioning and influencer engagement for biodiversity

Environmental sector association
Ecosystems and territories of conquest
Societal anchoring strategy
Interactions with public authorities
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3, Boulevard Saint Martin

75003 Paris
+33 6 87 50 74 26

17, Rue du Bois Sauvage
1000 Bruxelles
+32 474 60 81 88

3, Boulevard Saint Martin

75003 Paris
+33 6 87 50 74 26

17, Rue du Bois Sauvage
1000 Bruxelles
+32 474 60 81 88