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Tailored strategies, stakeholder targeting, coalitions, and creation of communication tools and campaigns
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Identity construction and expression
Interactions with public authorities
Alliances and coalitions
Societal anchoring strategy
Cross- and omnichannel strategy
Employer branding and employee advocacy
Mobilising stakeholders
Territorial development
Societal marketing
Design of communication and influence tools

Identity construction and expression

We support you in creating and expressing a robust and coherent societal identity for your organisation. We define this identity and ensure it stands out uniquely from your competitors, aiming to enhance your organisation’s image and align it effectively with your key ecosystems. Our goal is to highlight your core values, mission, and vision with a dedicated content creation approach and visual identity.

Building a Societal Identity includes:

  • Definition of a Societal Archetype: Establishing an identity around your core values and the societal mission of your organisation.
  • Key Messages and Tone of Voice: Identifying the central elements of your communication.
  • Visual Identity and Graphic Charter: Designing a societal-inspired logo, colour scheme, typography, and other distinctive visual elements.
  • Content Creation Strategy: Developing a strategy to guide the expression of your societal identity across your various communication channels.

Interactions with public authorities

We facilitate your organisation’s interactions with public authorities by developing targeted engagement and public affairs strategies.

Our goal: To establish long-term constructive relationships with political decision-makers and influence public policies in support of your societal claims.

This service includes:

  • Identification of Political Actors: Identifying key decision-makers and influencers relevant to your organisation.
  • Prioritisation of Sensitive Issues: We develop our action plans based on the most critical policies and legislative projects for your organisation.
  • Lobbying Strategies: Developing action plans to influence public policies.
  • Government Relations Management: Coordinating interactions and communications with public officials.
  • Organisation of Meetings and Events: Planning and managing meetings, conferences, and other events with decision-makers.

Alliances and coalitions

We assist your organisation in forming and maintaining strategic alliances and coalitions with other sector players or influential stakeholders on your key issues. Our goal is to strengthen your position and maximise the impact of your initiatives by joining forces with key partners.

The establishment of alliances and coalitions includes:

  1. Identification of Potential Partners: Researching and selecting organisations and individuals aligned with your objectives.
  2. Synergy Assessment: Analysing complementarities and potential mutual benefits.
  3. Partnership Negotiation: Facilitating discussions and agreements for collaboration.
  4. Coordination of Joint Initiatives: Strategising, planning, and coordinating collaborative projects.
  5. Partnership Monitoring and Evaluation: Measuring the effectiveness and outcomes of the formed alliances.

Societal anchoring strategy

We develop societal anchoring strategies to strengthen the legitimacy and acceptance of your organisation within your ecosystems. This service aims to integrate your company into the social fabric and create lasting connections with stakeholders at local, national, or European levels.

The societal anchoring strategy includes the following elements:

  • Definition of the Societal Context: Study of the expectations and needs of communities impacted by your organisation.
  • Development of Societal Projects: Design and implementation of initiatives benefiting the targeted communities.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Facilitation of interactions and collaborations with stakeholders.
  • Communication on Societal Initiatives: Promotion of your actions and their positive impact.
  • Evaluation of Societal Impact: Measurement of the results and benefits of societal anchoring initiatives.

Cross- and omnichannel strategy

We design and implement cross- and omnichannel communication strategies to maximise your visibility and impact.

This service aims to ensure a consistent and seamless experience for your audiences across all communication channels where you are active, while optimally leveraging the unique aspects of each channel.

The implementation of a cross- and omnichannel communication strategy includes:

  • Strategic Analysis: Evaluation of the performance and characteristics of each channel currently used by your organisation.
  • Development of the Overall Strategy: Integration of different channels to ensure a consistent and seamless user experience.
  • Global User Journey: Creation of a comprehensive user journey outlining interactions between channels.
  • Channel-Specific Objectives and Strategies: Development of tailored approaches for each channel based on its content and audience specifics.
  • Performance Monitoring: Measurement of the effectiveness and impact of various communication initiatives.

Employer branding and employee advocacy

We help you build a strong employer brand and encourage your employees to engage in key communication issues.

Our goal: to help you attract top talent, enhance employee engagement, and transform your staff into true ambassadors for your organisation.

Our approach to employer branding includes:

  • Analysis of the Current Employer Brand: Assessing your image as an employer in the job market.
  • Development of Your Value Proposition: Crafting an attractive proposition to attract and retain talent.
  • Employee Advocacy Programs: Designing programs to encourage employees to promote your organisation.
  • Employee Training and Engagement: Providing training sessions to raise awareness and engage staff.
  • Performance Monitoring: Evaluating the impact of initiatives on the perception of the employer brand.

Mobilising stakeholders

We facilitate the mobilisation of your stakeholders to support your initiatives and goals, ensuring they resonate more effectively within your influence ecosystems.

Our approach involves identifying the most influential stakeholders who can be engaged with your positions and transformed into ambassadors for your societal messages.

Stakeholder mobilisation includes:

  • Identification of Key Stakeholders: Detection of influential individuals and groups.
  • Detailed Profiles: Analysis of the interests, expectations, and positions of targeted stakeholders.
  • Mobilisation Strategies: Development of plans to engage and mobilise stakeholders.
  • Communication and Interaction: Facilitation of exchanges and collaborations.
  • Engagement Monitoring and Evaluation: Measurement of involvement and the impact of mobilisation actions.

Territorial development

We support you in the territorial development of your organisation by identifying local opportunities and building strong relationships with regional stakeholders who can facilitate your organisation’s establishment in new areas.

Our goal: to enhance your presence and influence at the local level.

The territorial development strategy includes the following elements:

  • Analysis of Development Opportunities: Identifying opportunities for growth in targeted areas.
  • Mapping Local Stakeholders: Identifying regional stakeholders and potential partners.
  • Engagement with Local Communities: Building relationships with local communities and leaders.
  • Promotion of Local Initiatives: Communicating and highlighting your territorial development actions.
  • Monitoring and Measuring Local Impact: Evaluating the results and impact of your territorial development initiatives.

Societal marketing

We develop societal marketing strategies to promote your organisation by highlighting the social, environmental, and societal benefits of your approach.

In this way, we align your marketing initiatives with the societal expectations identified within your ecosystems, while enhancing your image and ensuring your societal license to operate.

Our societal marketing strategy includes:

  • Analysis of Societal Expectations: Studying consumer expectations and concerns regarding social responsibility.
  • Campaign Development: Designing campaigns that highlight the social and environmental benefits of your products/services.
  • Content Creation: Producing content that showcases your societal commitments.
  • Consumer Engagement: Implementing initiatives to encourage consumer participation and engagement.
  • Campaign Monitoring and Evaluation: Measuring the impact and effectiveness of societal marketing initiatives.

Design of communication and influence tools

We design bespoke communication and influence tools to meet your specific needs, based on our in-depth understanding of your ecosystems and stakeholders.

The design of communication tools includes:

  • Creation of Communication Materials: Designing websites, reports, presentations, and other visual aids.
  • Development of Digital Content: Producing content for your digital communication.
  • Public Relations Tools: Crafting media kits, press releases, and other PR materials.
  • Influence Resources: Creating guides, white papers, and other strategic documents to influence decision-makers.
  • Training on Tool Usage: Providing training sessions to optimise the use and impact of communication and influence tools.

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3, Boulevard Saint Martin

75003 Paris
+33 6 87 50 74 26

17, Rue du Bois Sauvage
1000 Bruxelles
+32 474 60 81 88

3, Boulevard Saint Martin

75003 Paris
+33 6 87 50 74 26

17, Rue du Bois Sauvage
1000 Bruxelles
+32 474 60 81 88