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DNA - Innovation and expertise

At Saper Vedere, as in the world around us, inertia is not an option. Our aim is to ensure that you play a leading role in the debates that affect you.


We place great importance on data visualization to extract relevant insights. By combining cutting-edge tools and analytical expertise, we provide you with a clear view of your ecosystems, stakeholders, emerging crises, and more.

Combining expertises

By integrating influence communication, data analysis, public affairs, monitoring, and content creation, we can support you across the entire understand-act-anticipate chain for any given issue.


Saper Vedere promotes a culture of innovation both internally and externally. We are constantly on the lookout for new trends, major changes, and emerging technologies to ensure the effectiveness of our advice.

Combining human and machine

Combining human intelligence and technology in the process of designing communication strategies ensures precise and relevant results, while maintaining human logic and creativity.

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Notre agence

Saper Vedere est une agence d’influence, de communication et de relations publiques focalisée sur le décryptage des tendances sociétales. Nous travaillons en trois volets distincts et complémentaires: compréhension, action et adaptation.


Saper Vedere is built around a societal vision of customer support. Each of our strategies, recommendations and achievements has a single objective: to help you better understand and integrate into a constantly changing society.
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Join us

Discover our job offers in public affairs, communication, influence, crisis and intelligence, and R&D. Join our team now!
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CSR policy

Saper Vedere aims to contribute to a more sustainable and fairer world. It's a commitment in line with our values and our essence, which revolve around people, the environment and confidentiality.
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Founded in 2017 by Nicolas Vanderbiest, Saper Vedere is now recognised as a major player in the field of communications and public affairs consultancy. Our expertise is aimed at organisations and their leaders seeking to better understand their audiences and major societal trends.
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Management team

The Saper Vedere management team is made up of the CEO, the Operations Manager, the Sales Director and the Sector Managers, and brings together a wealth of varied experience.
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Notre approche

  • Comprendre

    Nous mettons l’accent sur l’analyse approfondie de votre écosystème digital et offline. Nos objectifs : mieux comprendre votre audience, évaluer votre réputation, identifier vos parties prenantes et appréhender vos problématiques spécifiques - notamment l’impact qu’elles pourraient avoir sur votre organisation.
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  • Agir

    ​​Nous activons vos audiences et parties prenantes, existantes et potentielles, grâce à des stratégies de communication, d’influence et d’affaires publiques ciblées. Nous vous accompagnons dans la création d’une identité de marque à l’ancrage sociétal fort et dans le développement de supports de communication pertinents. Nos priorités : renforcer votre visibilité, sécuriser votre permis d’opérer et maximiser l’engagement de vos audiences.
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  • Anticiper

    Nos veilles 360° vous donnent les moyens de réagir rapidement aux tendances sociétales émergentes et d’adapter votre stratégie de communication et d’affaires publiques en conséquence. Nous vous accompagnons dans la gestion de crise réputationnelle, en cas de perte de visibilité, ainsi que dans l’adaptation aux changements politiques, sectoriels ou sociétaux.
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3, Boulevard Saint Martin

75003 Paris
+33 6 87 50 74 26

17, Rue du Bois Sauvage
1000 Bruxelles
+32 474 60 81 88

3, Boulevard Saint Martin

75003 Paris
+33 6 87 50 74 26

17, Rue du Bois Sauvage
1000 Bruxelles
+32 474 60 81 88