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Studies and monitoring

The Research and Intelligence Division helps you to manage and maintain your organisation's sensitive assets in three ways: analysing and understanding raw data, information intelligence and monitoring societal trends.

Data capture and analytical expertise

Thanks to their advanced mastery of all available social listening tools on the market, our Research and Monitoring Department leverages Saper Vedere's unique methodologies to aggregate and analyze data more swiftly. The combination of these technologies and methodologies with our analysts' expertise provides in-depth and reliable insights.

Strategic Monitoring Unit

Directly available to our clients and other areas of expertise through monitoring reports, e-reputation tracking, the strategic monitoring unit plays a central role in capturing data and trends across multiple networks and in providing strategic information, including identifying weak signals or emerging trends.

Support for Strategic Decision-Making

Evaluate your communication or understand the real impact of your stakeholders through our customised studies and reports. Our method? We study your audiences and influence ecosystems to identify key actors and anticipate opinion shifts. Notre analyse approfondie des données vous permet de renforcer votre légitimité et votre impact au sein de vos territoires d’expression, ainsi que d'ajuster votre stratégie de communication ou d’influence.

Our commitment

Identification de signaux faibles et qualification des menaces ou opportunités.
Maîtrise des outils de social listening du marché et veille exhaustive multi-réseaux.
Grande réactivité et flexibilité de l’accompagnement et du conseil.
Méthodologies et livrables sur mesure, selon les besoins et publics cibles.

Developing societal acceptability, positioning oneself in a realm of expressions, monitoring reputation, and measuring visibility are only possible with diligent tracking of what is being said on these topics and issues. We support our clients in reading and deciphering this information and its communication context, whether it involves transformation challenges, positioning, major projects, or crises of national and international magnitude.

Amaury Elvira-Suarez,
Director of the Studies & Monitoring Hub


Audits and studies
Strategic monitoring
Media Monitoring
Social Media Monitoring
Information Monitoring
Sensitive  Issue Monitoring
Sectoral Monitoring
Competition Monitoring
Monthy, trimestrial and annual reporting
Crisis monitoring
News Roundup
Real-time alerts
Response Cell
Active and Passive Audience
Competitive benchmark
Employer Branding
Sectoral issues
Thematic study

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Notre agence

Saper Vedere est une agence d’influence, de communication et de relations publiques focalisée sur le décryptage des tendances sociétales. Nous travaillons en trois volets distincts et complémentaires: compréhension, action et adaptation.


The Influence business unit helps you to anticipate and adapt to emerging societal trends in your areas of influence and expression.
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Research & Development

The research and development centre embodies Saper Vedere's technological innovation in two areas: recovering data and making it easier to decipher.
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Design & Creation

The Design and Creation department supports you in implementing the strategic recommendations of the other Saper Vedere departments in three ways: brand identity development, cross-channel strategy and product creation.
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Public affairs

The Public Affairs Division works with you to understand, monitor and represent your social issues and interests to public authorities at local, national and European level.
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3, Boulevard Saint Martin

75003 Paris
+33 6 87 50 74 26

17, Rue du Bois Sauvage
1000 Bruxelles
+32 474 60 81 88

3, Boulevard Saint Martin

75003 Paris
+33 6 87 50 74 26

17, Rue du Bois Sauvage
1000 Bruxelles
+32 474 60 81 88